Careers & Student Support Services

Wow it’s Term 4 already!

This year has flown by so quickly and the Careers & Student Support Services Department has been kept very busy working to ensure our senior students feel confident about not only their subject choices but about their pathway through school and beyond.

Our suite of initiatives is designed to ensure that students have access to high-quality career information that will help them to:

  • Gain the skills to navigate career possibilities.
  • Make informed career and pathway decisions to prepare them for life beyond school.
  • Meet the challenges of the rapidly changing world of work.

These initiatives focus on:

  • Career education that begins in Year 10 to help students generate a Senior Education & Training Program (SETP) and choose appropriate subjects for Years 11 and 12.
  • A work experience program that both enhances student engagement with the workforce and provides opportunities to experience different jobs and make informed subject/career choices.
  • Delivering quality information sessions and expos that recognise the importance of completing senior school.
  • Recognising that each student is an individual through a planned program designed to encourage their uniqueness.

Our prayer is that each student will recognise God’s unique plan for their lives and the individual gifts that he has so graciously bestowed on them (Jeremiah 29:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

God bless for the rest of 2019.

Mandy Bullock

Director of Careers & Student Support Services