Year 9 Rite Journey Departure

Year 9 Rite Journey Departure

The Departure event is an opportunity to celebrate the childhood of our Year 9 students with their parents, and encourage the students to boldly step into the next stage of their lives. We hosted this event on Friday 19 March, where we were blessed with a perfect break in the recent weather event, taking our Boys and Girls groups separately to Lake Samsonvale. Here the students reflected on their journey so far and the childish behaviours that would not be useful to them as they step into young adulthood.

Upon returning to school, each Rite Journey group presented to the gathered parents, their group name and its meaning, and the group cheer or chant that they had worked on. These cheers were greeted with rounds of applause, but perhaps the most memorable chant came from one of the group of boys who chose to sing their cheer. Well done gentlemen! After some brief speeches from staff, the students and their parents were encouraged to find a spot around the school to have a meal together where the students presented their parents with letters of appreciation they had written earlier in the week. Many tears of happiness were shed, and hugs exchanged.

It is hoped that this ceremony will signify the students stepping into their young adulthood by taking on more responsibility, and their parents giving their adolescent more opportunities to demonstrate their ability to make appropriate choices in their lives.

A huge thank you must go to Mr Kidd and Mrs Daniel for taking the lead role in organising this event, to the P&F for providing the afternoon tea that was greatly appreciated by the Year 9 students, and to the Senior School volunteers who provided their services throughout the event. Without their diligence and effort, this event would not have been the success that it was.

Kind regards,

Andrew Duncan

Rite Journey Leader