Primary Innovation & Learning

Well-Being and Good Mental Health in Upper Primary

There have been many reports about the importance of well-being and good mental health in the media lately.

As a College, we also want to contribute to the well-being and life-long skills of our students. As part of our school’s 5 year strategic planning, we have a team of leaders and teachers discussing and developing with plans to support the social and spiritual well-being of our students as this plays an important role in the development of our students into adults.

With the support of Simon Bedville (Assistant Head of Primary), Chris Walters (Primary Care and Conduct Leader) and Pam Nadler (Pastoral Care), Years 4 and 6 are considering their body images, friendships, sense of belonging and safety and this has been supplemented with weekly lessons based on the programs, “Wise Girls” and “Guy Wise”, by Sharon Witt. Sharon is a renowned Australian author of books and programs for young people as well as an educator and teacher.

Topics included in these programs are:

  • Discovering your uniqueness
  • Friendships
  • Managing social media and the internet
  • Coping with bullying
  • Strategies for dealing with anxiety, stress and tough times
  • Developing positive self-talk
  • Cyber Safety
  • Belonging
  • Building good character

In Health, Years 3 and 5 students have been going through the program, “My Life Rulz”. “My Life Rulz” are 10 fundamental “rules” to build emotional resilience. They’re not rules as such, but rather they are read as principles to guide one’s life by.  By nature, rules are inflexible and seek to control thinking. “My Life Rulz” however, seeks to guide thinking and enhance one’s ability to live well.

Some of the topics covered in this program:

  • I belong here. I do belong.
  • I deserve to feel safe and loved – always.
  • Sometimes life is good and fair.  Sometimes it’s not.
  • All my choices matter.  They all have consequences.

Di Todd
Director of Innovation and Learning – Upper Primary