Primary Innovation & Learning

Year 5 recently completed an intensive in Design and Technologies and Art.

Our project week consisted of four solid days of investigating, generating, producing, evaluating and collaborating to build a bridge which could span over a 30cm gap, using an agreed list of materials.  The buzz amongst our students was electrifying, as they found failures in their designs and used problem solving skills to adjust their plans before the big unveiling and testing of the structural integrity with their parents during a special “Projects on Display” day at the end of the week.

Our clay artworks were also unveiled to reveal techniques of pottery developed across the week.  We learned that when clay dries, it contracts and many of our pots needed remaking!  We also learned how to smooth our clay using tools and create interesting textures including both raised and scored.  Much persistence and patience were required as we discovered a true appreciation for how skilled clay artists and potters are!

Students then reflected on the processes they were involved in across the week and the positive outcomes of their artworks and bridge designs.  There was a strong focus on collaboration and team work, which some teams found challenging when there were so many great ideas flowing from the whole team!  The challenge was to be able to successfully work through these moments to develop the best possible outcome in the time frame given.  Compromising and allocating role specific tasks was necessary to achieve the quality designs displayed by our Year 5 students.  Congratulations to each and every team and their guiding teachers and helpers for a week of rich learning!