Primary Highlights

Welcome Back!

It has been a wonderful week seeing our Primary school full again of happy, smiling children, ready to learn and play together in a real school space now. Our Year 3 students have been fortunate to have their classrooms re-fitted with furniture to promote our agile and collaborative approach to learning, which is proving quite successful in P-2.

Uniform and Hair Reminders 

It is a timely reminder now our children are back physically on campus that Genesis requires and maintains an exemplary uniform standard. A few items that I have noticed and would like to see parents address with their children are as follows:

  • Hair – boys in particular who needed a tidy up should ensure this is completed. Hair needs to be of an acceptable length – meaning not hanging over the ears or collar, and it must be neatly combed or otherwise presented.
  • Sports Jackets – these are only allowed to be worn with the sports uniform please. At all other times the Genesis jumper should be worn if required.
  • Culotte length – as some of our girls are growing taller, the culottes are becoming too short. This is mainly in Years 5 and 6. Please update this uniform item with appropriate length culottes, which sit no more than 5cm above the knee.

Student Wellbeing

During our partial school closure in Primary we had often more than one class join together for learning. This was an opportunity for new friendships to develop between students, as often students regular friends were at home learning. As we have come back to school, students have had to re-negotiate some friendships and this has been hard for some. Our teachers have been working hard this week (as they always), focussing on the wellbeing of our students, and this issue has been a common theme. Michelle Mitchell who is well known to our Genesis Community, has written an excellent article for parents, which I encourage you to read to help support your children’s return to school: you can read it here.

Jeremy Williamson

Head of School (Primary)