Secondary Highlights

Dear Parents,

There’s no avoiding that my article this edition will focus on COVID-19 and its implications on our Secondary students.

Can I assure you that in this season the entire staff at Genesis have a laser like focus on each child’s learning and their wellbeing? We are here alongside you. We are here making this year of learning count.

That said, we are in a marathon with COVID-19, not a sprint. It is clear that restrictions will continue through Term 2 and possibly beyond. I am very appreciative of the kindness and support shown by our parents as we close out Term 1. In preparation for the marathon ahead, all staff are planning how to support learning for every student in the College and how to remain connected with every family. It is likely we will have periods of time where learning is delivered via Gensis@Home. This delivery of learning through digital platforms and communication methods will see us ‘weather the storm’ well.

I’d like to encourage you, as you go about daily life at home, to be the steady ship and to help our children find peace in the midst of panic. Investing into the new cycle should be matched with your calm presence and time spent in nourishing activities. As staff, we are keen to turn conversations of fear into opportunities for faith- God has not lost control, God still loves us. The ‘why’ question is the wrong category of question in times such as these. It is like asking ‘How big is red?’ The right question is a ‘who’ question. Who is our God? He is all-loving, He is all-powerful and He is mighty to save.

for this we have Jesus

As Easter draws near, rest in His good favour to us all.


Stuart Taylor

Head of School – Secondary