Secondary Highlights

Build Back Better

I wish our parents could hear the applause of a stadium as you read this. The staff are so thankful for your expressions of support and gratitude. We are amazed at how you reconfigured your family life to adjust to learning, working and living in one space. We are proud of the learners (your children, our students) who made Genesis@Home work. Their dedication to learning has shone through.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff and teachers who have risen to the challenge of rethinking how education can look in our homes during Queensland’s school closures. Their dedication, wisdom and care towards our students has only become more evident during this time.

Every teacher is so thankful to have the students back amongst us and we look forward to a successful Term 2 for each student’s academics. Likewise, we are upholding all our expectations to the highest standards. This includes important areas like uniform, grooming and manners.

The anticipated relaxations of the Queensland Government’s restrictions will result in a resumption of the aspects of College life that students thrive on. The rich and varied co-curricular life of Genesis is so important to us all. I will be informing you as these events can recommence.

Decisions around Term 3 events will be made over the course of the mid-year break. We are mindful that adult distancing will remain during this time and are re-imagining many of our parent nights. We will partner with you as normal; but perhaps in new ways.

Secondary has been meeting in small groups over the course of this term to review Genesis@Home and what we have learned from the experience. We are intent on building back better. We are committed to using the feedback from parents and students during this time to ensure we remain the best choice in Northern Brisbane.

As we continue to navigate the changes occurring around us and what they mean for our College, we can be confident the Lord will guide our next steps.

Stay safe and blessings to one and all,

Stuart Taylor

Head of School – Secondary